Act respecting labour standards Chapter III - Functions and powers of the commission (Section 4 to 39)
Chapter III - Functions and powers of the commission (Section 4 to 39)
Section 5
The Commission shall supervise the implementation and application of labour standards. It shall, in particular, exercise the following functions: :
- inform the population on matters dealing with labour standards;
- inform employees and employers of their rights and obligations under this Act;
See paragraphs 13) to 15) of section 39 ALS for more details on the powers granted to the Commission regarding the distribution of information documents and section 87 ALS on the obligation that the employer has in this respect.
- supervise the application of labour standards and, where necessary, transmit its recommendations to the Minister;
- receive complaints from employees and indemnify them to the extent provided in this act and the regulations;
- (Paragraph repealed);
- endeavour to bring about agreement between employers and employees as to their disagreements in relation to the application of this Act and the regulations.
It is officially up to the Commission, when a disagreement arises as to the application of the Act and its Regulations, to inform the employer and the employee of the standards regarding which there is a disagreement and attempt to have the parties conform to them.
1979, c. 45, s. 5; 1990, c. 73, s. 5; 2002, c. 80, s. 4.