Act respecting labour standards Chapter IV - Larbour standards (Section 39.1 to 97)
Chapter IV - Larbour standards (Section 39.1 to 97)
Division IV - Annual leave with pay (Section 66 to 77)
Section 69
Three years of uninterrupted service
An employee who, at the end of a reference year, is credited with three years of uninterrupted service with the same employer, is entitled to an annual leave for a minimum duration of three consecutive weeks.
1979, c. 45, a. 69; 1990, c. 73, a. 23; 2018, c. 21, a. 11.
- Interpretation
An employee who is credited with three years of uninterrupted service benefits from three weeks of annual leave and is entitled to take it without interruption, subject to section 71 ALS.