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Act respecting labour standards Chapter IV - Larbour standards (Section 39.1 to 97)

Chapter IV - Larbour standards (Section 39.1 to 97)

Division V.1 - Family or parental leave and absences (Section 79.7 to 81.17.6)

Section 79.14

Sections 79.9 and 79.12 apply if the injury or death occurs in one of the situations described in section 79.1.2.

2007, c. 36, s. 11.


The absences stipulated in sections 79.9 to 79.12 ALS (serious bodily injury suffered by a minor child due to a criminal offence and death of the spouse or the employee due to a criminal offence) will also apply if the serious bodily injury or death occurs at the time of one of the following situations:

  • the legal arrest of an offender or a presumed offender, which the spouse or child proceeded to make;
  • an attempted legal arrest of an offender or a presumed offender;
  • assistance to a peace officer who is making an arrest;
  • a legal act of prevention with respect to the perpetration of an offence;
  • an attempted legal act of prevention with respect to the perpetration of an offence;
  • and assistance to a peace officer who is preventing or attempting to prevent the perpetration of an offence.