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Regulations adopted under the Act respecting labour standards Regulation respecting labour standards (S.Q., 1979, c. 45, s. 88, 89 and 91; after revision : R.S.Q., c. N-1.1)

Regulation respecting labour standards (S.Q., 1979, c. 45, s. 88, 89 and 91; after revision : R.S.Q., c. N-1.1)

Notice of collective dismissal (Section 35.0.1-35.0.2)

Section 35.0.2

The notice of collective dismissal must contain

  1. the name and address of the employer or establishment concerned;
  2. the sector of activity;
  3. the names and addresses of the associations of employees, where applicable;
  4. the reason for the collective dismissal;
  5. the date anticipated for the collective dismissal; and
  6. the number of employees likely to be affected by the collective dismissal.
  7. the name of an employer representative, their title and a telephone number and email address where they can be reached.

O.C. 638-2003, s. 6.