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Death benefits

The CNESST pays death benefits to spouses and dependants of workers who die as a result of a work accident or occupational disease.

Claim for death benefits

To be entitled to benefits, the beneficiary must complete the Worker’s claim form at one of the following times: 

  • within 6 months following the death
  • within 6 months following the date on which they learned that the death may be work related

The CNESST will analyze the admissibility of the claim. 

A beneficiary who never produced a claim related to a worker’s death loses their right to benefits after 7 years following the worker’s death. After this time, the claim will be inadmissible. 

Lump sum indemnity paid to the spouse

The CNESST considers a spouse a person who, on the date of the worker's death:

  • is married to or in a civil union with the worker and lives with them
  • or lives with them in a de facto union, whether the person is of the same sex or not, as long as the person:
    • has been living with the worker for at least 3 years or for 1 year if a child has been born or is to be born of their union
    • is publicly represented as their spouse
Death benefits paid to a spouse in 2025
Type of indemnityAmount
Lump sum indemnityMinimum
$133 354

$294 000

Calculation of the lump sum indemnity

The lump sum indemnity is equal to the product of the deceased worker's gross annual employment income multiplied by the factor of the spouse's age category on the date of the worker's death.


The 33-year-old spouse of a deceased worker whose employment contract provided for a gross annual employment income of $60 000 is entitled to a lump sum indemnity of $150 000.


Calculation of the lump sum indemnity
Surviving spouse’s ageAge bracketMultiplication factorWorker’s gross annual employment incomeLump sum indemnity
33 30–342.50$60 000$150 000 ($60 000 x 2.50)

Pension paid to a disabled spouse

If the spouse is disabled, they must have a severe long-term physical or mental disability.

A disability is severe if the person is unable to have a job that provides for their basic needs. It is long term if it results in the person’s death or lasts indefinitely.

Pension paid to a disabled spouse
Monthly pensionMaximum $3 072.89

Calculation of the pension

The monthly pension is equal to 55% of the income replacement indemnity to which the worker was entitled on the date of their death or to which they would have been entitled on that date had they become unable to work because of an employment injury. The pension is paid during the period determined by the spouse’s age on the date of the worker’s death.


A spouse who is 33 years old at the time of her spouse's death is entitled to receive a monthly pension for 1 year.

Duration of payment of the pension
Spouse’s age on the date of the worker’s deathDuration of payment of the monthly pension
34 or under1 year
35–442 years
45–543 years
55 or over2 years

Lump sum indemnity paid to a disabled spouse

Indemnity paid to a disabled spouse in 2025
Type of indemnityAmount 
Lump sum indemnityMinimum $133 354
Maximum $294 000

Calculation of the indemnity paid to a disabled spouse

In addition to the monthly pension provided for by law, the disabled spouse of a deceased worker is entitled to the higher of the following 2 lump sum indemnities:

  1. a lump sum indemnity equal to the product of the deceased worker's gross annual employment income multiplied by the factor of the spouse's age category on the date of the worker's death
  2. a lump sum indemnity equal to twice the amount provided for in the annexe II de la Loi sur les accidents du travail et les maladies professionnelles based on the spouse’s age on the date of the worker’s death


A worker dies in 2025 and their gross annual employment income is $60 000. At the time of the worker's death, their spouse, 33 years old, was disabled.


Lump sum indemnity 1
Surviving spouse’s ageAge bracketMultiplication factorWorker’s gross annual incomeLump sum indemnity paid to the disabled spouse
3330–342.50$60 000$150 000
($60 000 x 2.50)
Lump sum indemnity 2
Spouse’s ageIndemnity provided for in Schedule IILump sum indemnity paid to the disabled spouse
33$112 077$224 154
($112 077 x 2)

Therefore, the worker’s spouse will be entitled to lump sum indemnity 2, since it is higher.

Death benefits paid to a child

Benefits paid to a minor child

Benefits paid to a minor child in 2025
Type of indemnityAmount
Monthly pension (paid until the child reaches full age)$668

Benefits paid when the minor child reaches full age

Benefits paid when a minor child reaches full age in 2025
Type of indemnityAmount
Lump sum indemnity paid if the child is attending an educational institution on a full-time basis when they reach full age$24 009
Lump sum indemnity paid to a disabled minor child who, having reached full age, is still disabled and is not entitled to benefits under another act$133 354
Lump sum indemnity paid to a disabled minor child who, having reached full age, is still disabled and is entitled to benefits under another act$24 009

Under the Loi sur les accidents du travail, the Loi sur l’assurance automobile, the Loi visant à favoriser le civisme or the Loi sur l’indemnisation des victimes d’actes criminels, other benefits may be paid to children.

Benefits paid to a child of full age

Benefits paid to a child of full age in 2025
Type of indemnityAmount
Lump sum indemnity paid to a child who is of full age but under 25 years of age on the date of the worker’s death and who, on that date, is attending an educational institution on a full-time basis$24 009

Benefits paid to the child of a worker who does not have a spouse


Benefits paid to the child of a worker who does not have a spouse in 2025

If the worker does not have a spouse on the date of their death, a lump sum indemnity may be paid to:

  • their minor child
  • their child of full age, over half of whose needs were provided for by the worker
  • their 25-year-old child of full age who, on that date, is attending an educational institution on a full-time basis

Where there is more than one beneficiary, the indemnity is divided equally between them.

$133 354

$294 000



A 38-year-old worker who does not have a spouse dies in 2025. She has a 15-year-old child and a 19-year-old child, both of whom are studying full time. Her gross annual income is $48 000.


Deceased worker’s ageAge bracketMultiplication factorWorker's gross annual employment incomeLump sum indemnity paid to the children of a worker who does not have a spouse
3835–392.75$48 000$132 000
($48 000 x 2.75)


The worker's children are entitled to a total lump sum indemnity of $132 000. The indemnity is paid in equal shares to each of the children.

The lump sum indemnity is equal to the product of the deceased worker's gross annual employment income multiplied by the factor of the worker's age category on the date of her death.

Benefits paid to a disabled child of full age

Benefits paid to a disabled child of full age in 2025
Type of indemnityAmount
Lump sum indemnity paid to a disabled child who is of full age but under 25 years of age and who is not entitled to benefits under another act18 years old or under$133 354
19 years old$131 938
20 years old$130 518
21 years old$129 100
22 years old$127 679
23 years old$126 265
24 years old$124 846
Lump sum indemnity paid to a disabled child who is of full age but under 25 years of age and who is entitled to benefits under another act$24 009

Under the Loi sur les accidents du travail, the Loi sur l’assurance automobile, the Loi visant à favoriser le civisme or the Loi sur l’indemnisation des victimes d’actes criminels, other benefits may be paid to children.

Benefits paid to other dependants


Benefits paid to other dependants in 2025
Dependant under 35 years of age over half of whose needs were provided for by the deceased worker$16 004
Dependant 35 years of age or older over half of whose needs were provided for by the deceased worker75% of the worker's gross annual employment income, as determined by the Loi sur les accidents du travail et les maladies professionnelles

$73 500
Disabled dependant over half of whose needs were provided for by the deceased worker and who is not entitled to benefits under another act (the amount is determined based on the dependant’s age at the time of the worker's death)Minimum
$66 681

$133 354
Disabled dependant over half of whose needs were provided for by the deceased worker and who is entitled to benefits under another act75% of the worker's gross annual employment income, as determined by the Loi sur les accidents du travail et les maladies professionnelles

$16 004

$73 500
Dependant 25% to 50% of whose needs were provided for by the deceased worker$16 004
Dependant 10% to less than 25% of whose needs were provided for by the deceased worker$8 003

Under the Loi sur les accidents du travail, the Loi sur l’assurance automobile, the Loi visant à favoriser le civisme or the Loi sur l’indemnisation des victimes d’actes criminels, other benefits may be paid to children.

Other death benefits


Other death benefits in 2025
Type of indemnityAmount
Lump sum indemnity paid to the spouse or distributed equally among the worker’s other dependants$2 668

Lump sum indemnity paid to the parents of a worker who died without dependants, each of whom is entitled to an amount, unless:

  • one parent is deceased or loses their parental rights (the other parent receives their share)
  • both parents are deceased (the indemnity is paid to the deceased worker's estate, unless the State collects the property)
$34 669 each
Funeral expenses reimbursed to the person who paid them, on production of supporting documentsUp to a maximum of $6 482
The cost of transportation of the worker's body from the place of death to the funeral home closest to the worker's usual residence, if they were a resident of QuébecOn production of supporting documents

Forms and publications

Laws and regulations

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