Wage complaint
Workers may file a complaint if they believe their employer is not paying them wages or other amounts of money provided for by law.
The CNESST may claim unpaid amounts of money from the employer, such as:
The monCalcul tool can be used to calculate certain amounts a worker is entitled to receive. Do not hesitate to use it.
A worker who believes that their employer is paying them a lower wage than the one paid to other workers performing the same tasks in the same establishment simply because of their employment status (e.g. part-time) may also file a complaint. An employer cannot pay a worker a lower hourly wage simply because that person works fewer hours per week.
How the complaints process works
Before filing a complaint
A worker who wants to file a complaint must:
- prepare a version of events in support of their complaint
- have in their possession, if possible, documents in support of their complaint
Documents to support the complaint
Depending on the situation, the documents to prepare if the employer did not pay the worker are as follows.
- Irrespective of the reason for the complaint
- Any communications with the employer relating to the facts of the complaint (emails, text messages, social media)
- Wages (hours worked and overtime at the premium rate)
- Pay slips and/or bank statements covering the period in question
- Details of days and hours worked
- Employment contracts
- Tips
- Tip-sharing arrangement
- Details of tips earned and not paid
- Pay slips and/or bank statements covering the period in question
- Details of days and hours worked
- Any other relevant proof (e.g., tips register or tips statement)
- Commissions and bonuses
- Pay slips and/or bank statements covering the period in question
- Employment contracts
- Company policy on the payment of commissions and bonuses
- Details and proof of unpaid commissions and bonuses
- Termination of employment indemnity
- Pay slips and/or bank statements
- Record of employment
- Letter of dismissal and any other correspondence and communications relating to the events
- Vacation indemnity
- Dates vacation was taken
- Pay slips and/or bank statements covering the period in question
- Tax slips (T4 or R1)
- Record of employment (in the case of termination of employment)
- Statutory holiday indemnity
- Pay slips and/or bank statements covering the statutory holidays
- Pay slips covering the 4 weeks prior to this period or the 12 weeks prior to this period if paid by commission
- Details of days and hours worked during the week including the statutory holidays
- Indemnity for days of absence (illness and family reasons)
- Pay slips and/or bank statements covering the days of absence
- Pay slips covering the 4 weeks prior to this period or the 12 weeks prior to this period if paid by commission
- Details of days and hours worked during the week including the days of absence
- Other situations
- Pay slips covering the period in question
- Record of employment
- Invoices related to work expenses
- If the employer is bankrupt
- Copy of the proof of claim filed with the insolvency trustee
- Wage Earner Protection Program documents specifying the indemnities paid
- Record of employment
- Pay slips
- Employment contract
- Tax slips (T4 or R1)
- Record of hours worked and details of the amounts claimed
- Any other relevant documents
Filing a complaint
The worker has 1 year from the time the amounts are due to file a complaint with the CNESST.
Analysis of the complaint
If the CNESST can follow up on the complaint, it will contact the employer and ask them to pay the amount owed to the worker. If the employer refuses to pay, a person mandated by the CNESST will investigate.
If the investigation shows that the complaint is founded and if the worker and the employer are unable to reach an agreement, the CNESST sends a claim to the employer. The employer has 10 days to pay. If the employer does not pay within the time limit, the CNESST sends a demand letter. If the employer still does not pay, the CNESST may take legal action against the employer to obtain payment on behalf of the worker.
Transfer of the file to the CNESST’s legal affairs department
The CNESST's lawyer sends a demand letter to the employer. The employer then has 20 days to pay. Otherwise, legal proceedings will be notified to the employer by bailiff and filed in the court record in order to initiate legal action.
The wage complaint case is heard by the Cour du Québec or the Superior Court, depending on the amounts claimed.