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The CNESST is launching a new occupational healthand safety promotional campaign


Quebec, April 20 2020

Since Quebecers will gradually be getting back to work in the coming weeks and months, the Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST) is launching a new promotional campaign today, developed especially for COVID-19, with the theme “Getting Quebecers back to work safely”.

The goal is to remind everyone how important it is to do everything possible to protect worker health and safety. The promotional campaign also mentions how everyone must follow the safety directives issued by public health authorities.

The campaign will be featured on various media channels, including radio and social media, from April 20 to May 17. It will also be broadcast on television starting in late April. It is being launched as economic activity gradually resumes and is aimed at both employers and workers.

Health and safety: a shared responsibility

By law, employers are required to take the necessary measures to protect the health, safety and physical well-being of their workers. They are also required to ensure that the organization of work and work equipment, methods and techniques are safe. Workers and employers must work together to identify hazards and put measures in place to control or eliminate them.


“The Government of Quebec has taken the necessary measures to contain the spread of COVID-19. Following health recommendations and worker health and safety are a priority and together we will succeed in gradually getting thousands of Quebecers back to work. We must continue our efforts and do what is necessary to create winning conditions and prevent the spread of the virus in the workplace. In every workplace, big or small, we have to stay vigilant, for the sake of everyone’s health.”

Jean Boulet, Minister of Labour, Employment and Solidarity and Minister Responsible for the Mauricie Region

“The CNESST will continue to exercise leadership in its vital role of providing support to employers and workers. More than ever, in keeping with our mission, our priority is to protect the health, safety and physical well-being of workers. This means that, in every business and in every organization, everyone must work together in solidarity and continue to apply health and safety measures.”

Manuelle Oudar, Chair of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer of the CNESST


  • To listen to the radio message:
  • To find out more about occupational health and safety and to consult the various tools available, including the Guide to health and safety measures for construction workers during COVID-19, a Questions and answers page and a poster:
  • To obtain support or information from the CNESST, contact our online agents:

The CNESST, your gateway to labour-related matters

The CNESST provides employers and workers with a single gateway and integrated expertise in matters related to labour standards, pay equity and occupational health and safety. It has a joint governance structure. Its mission is to manage the Occupational Health and Safety Fund, which is entirely self funded, of which it is the trustee.